Monday, February 21, 2005

32 Bedrock Place

I made this card for Emilie for her 32nd birthday. Wanted to share it. Posted by Hello


Dr. Lecho Guave said...

Dear Mr. Withers,
Can you draw me a picture of Meowtropolis, but this time it doesn't have to be placed in the context of New Orleans. You know what I like, just make it look like an angel made it. By the way, the previous "reality-based" Meowtropolis is perfect, I just have to have the porch face South. You don't even need to redraw it. My daddy's construction company can do it for a song. Literally. "My Daddy!"

Farce Withers said...

I will begin work on Meowtropolis #2 immediately. Do you want it set in a similar context to 32 Bedrock Place? Shall it be a different house or the same but in a different context. I will do whatever you ask master.