Tuesday, August 16, 2005

The Saudis / Bushes are ramming it up our rears

Ok, just got back from the gas pump. Now most of you know that I can't stand George Bush, I won't get into all of the obvious reasons why but I have to get something out...what the fuck is he doing? I just paid 2.50 at the god damned gas pump. It went up a quarter in the last week. I know what you're going to say, I have republican friends I know how they think, you're going to tell me that G.B. had no more to do with the rise in the price of gas than did old honest Abe. And though you're probably wrong I will say this, you can't tell me that if Bill (I fixed what 12 years of trinkle on down economics broke) Clinton were in office the republicans wouldn't be going crazy saying things like, "that's why we need oil turkeys in office, haliburton etc etc". He would be blamed, sure he would - but I don't hear a god damned word about George Bush. BTW - zero WMD were found in Iraq which is the reason given for going to war - just wanted to make sure that someone knew that 'WE' were aware of that and aren't being fooled by the 'rape room retoric'. whew - i'm glad I got that off my chest.


Dr. Lecho Guave said...

LOL, I see you found it safe to vent now that you left Fort Worth for the hippie-liberal world of Austin.

Personally, I don't mind paying more for gas. Especially if it means that, in addition to the tax cuts given to the oil companies under the Energy Bill, they will get a little bit more spending money from me. And who cares if the cuts are given for efforts they were already doing? They don't really need incentives to make the environment safer, do they? After all, that is what the extra month of Daylight Savings Time is for, to give Americans more enthusiasm for figuring out ways to survive the nuclear blasts that will head our way from the depleted Uranium that will now (finally!) be available, thanks to that same Energy Bill, for export to countries like those that already hate us, thanks to our blatant disregard we showed for the rest of the world when we decided to invade Iraq. Well, everyone except for the England, even though they got a nice punch in the eye for their trouble. But at least they are actually catching some of the terrorists responsible, all without invading a completely irrelevant country and taking their oil.

Frank, you are sure it's safe to post here right? I mean, no one really knows who I am, right?

Ryan V. said...
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Farce Withers said...

McCain is good, don't know much about Biden. McCain/Clinton 2006, if I close my eyes and dream will it come true? Do we really have to wait until 2008? Say it ain't so.

Ryan V. said...

McCain/Biden 2008

Farce Withers said...

That '2006' was a freudian slip and wishful thinking on your part Valdez.

Me said...

Get a job - then you can afford the gas. LOL

Farce Withers said...

Hire me, pickle pusher!

Me said...

I do need an assistant.

You can clean my personal bathroom and take out my trash. You can read all the employee email and find out about all their problems which I don't really want to know about. You can filter those out for me. You can make sure we don't run out of the Dublin Dr. Peppers. I'll also let you deal with the attorneys - it's very boring stuff. And I need you to start soon as I have someone to fire next week before my Transatlantic journey.

Oh..almost forgot...you can gas my car and Gary's. And maybe get them washed more regularly?

Pay will be $20,000. 6am-6pm M-F?

Deal? :-)

Farce Withers said...

Deal! It's more than I was making at Nader's. And I have been wanting to clean your bathroom...