Thursday, October 19, 2006

The Devil's Dictionary

Lawsuit: A machine which you go into as a pig and come out of as a sausage.

Faith: Belief without evidence in what is told by one who speaks without knowledge, of things without parallel.

Fork: An instrument used chiefly for the purpose of putting dead animals into the mouth.

Ocean: A body of water occupying about two-thirds of a world made for man - who has no gills.

War: God's way of teaching Americans geography.


Francie said...

Sadly,I am still a bit confused about the geography of the middle east.

Farce Withers said...

Is that in reference to the 'Devil's Dictionary' geography quote?

The most important thing one should know about the geography of the middle east is that Iraq is situated in a nice central location with respect to most other mid-east nations.

There is a reason why we are there and it's NOT wmd's or rape rooms - that was a big lie. We are there to ensure that we have control over precious natural resources. Our military presence (and the permanent bases that we're building)

ensures that we can strike at a moments notice. Sadly, 655,000 people (and counting) had to die so that we can continue to live the way we do.

Alright, enough ranting...sorry.

Jenny said...

There is a little more to faith than that. There are more ways of knowing which come through the spirit.

Farce Withers said...

maybe so 'shouten short', maybe so.

as long as we don't impose our faith on others i am ok with it.

Jenny said...

I'm sorry, but I can't give you my faith. It is something you do on your own.

Farce Withers said...

Then why all the missionaries in the world?

Jenny said...

They are preaching a religion. Faith is something personal and is not bound by a religion.

Farce Withers said...

But aren't they preaching their religion in order that their new 'subjects' have faith (in order that they become saved?)? Isn't religion a conduit to faith? I think faith is mostly bound by environmental factors. Christianity is the dominant religion in our culture - so we grow up thinking it is valid, we have faith in 'Christ' and 'God'. Children growing up in Iran tend to become Muslims and develop their own distinct faith based on their environment, etc...

I respect and appreciate that you have faith...but this hopefully doesn't mean that we don't aggressively live our questions and likewise question the origins and validity of our faiths.

We should get into a good christmas get together discussion about faith. Mashed Potatoes, gravy, and faith. I would love that.