Monday, August 15, 2005

Austin Hello

I am writing in this blog for the first time in a long time. I wish I could say that the delay was due to overwork, stress, etc. but it was not. I have not done any work in a long long time. I have kept myself busy with fun though; skateboarding mostly. Frontside ollie to tail revert, smith grinds, lean to tail, front side rock n rolls, tail stall reverts, and just plain carving the shit out of the bowls. I know I know this means nothing to most of you but when we are 60 years old and unable to do anything active I will look back on the great times I had on that skateboard.

I have actually met two people while out galavanting and both of them have architecture related backgrounds. Would Aristotle say that this means that all people with architecture related backgrounds are galavanters? I don't know.

Went to UT today to speak with my graduate advisor, this is becoming all too real - apparently I am not going to be able to lounge around forever.


Ryan V. said...

Just make sure you get those UT tickets at the draw every week!

Farce Withers said...

I will master. I will.