The review went well and I am happy to have it done. I am sad to be leaving school (I never would have said that about undergraduate school) - I have enjoyed my time at UT very much.
I am still waiting on word from Idaho and K State about teaching opportunties - fingers crossed.
Our house has recently gone under contract, young couple - first time home buyers - we'll see.
Topher's team is in the playoffs right now - they won their first game. We also found out that he will be playing on the all-star team, busy summer of baseball for the Jacobus family (just like I like it!)
I am going to be teaching at the Summer Academy at UT - a program that allows people who are trying to decide whether or not they want a career in architecture a 4 week intensive studio. That will be my month of June.
I guess that's it - we'll see what life has in store for us over the next few months. I am officially unemployed - YIPPEE!!!!!!!!!!!
Ain't it great? You can spend some time catching up on your Soaps.
Are Luke and Laura still an item on General Hospital - that's the last Soap I was into...
Congratulations on a job well done! Wish I could be there for the ceremonies and party Saturday. A Master of Architecture? You did your best and it will be your reward.
I'm not sure about Luke and Laura, but I did see Lucas Kiriakis on Days of Our Lives the other day and was quite apalled that I still knew his name.
I'd like to be unemployed. I think I could really excel at it.
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