Monday, February 06, 2006

Barcelona and Bush Bashing

Been a long while. Saw Francie this weekend and she inspired me to write in the blog again.

Quick update since last we spoke: Texas won football national championship (due to my influence as a student of course), I am a teacher's assistant and have two classes of 27 that i'm responsible for (I know what you're thinking - "HIM?"), did well last semester, 4.0 for those interested - first time since 3rd grade I think (I was also class president then!! I am on a ten year cycle of achievement), I just got my first 'big/little' job as an independent practicioner of architecture, I am in the Barcelona studio here at school - segway...

We traveled to Spain for 8 days tromping through the wonderful streets of Barcelona. By our estimations we walked btwn 15-20 mi/ old bones felt it - but I kept up with the younguns. We are working on a project for the 'Mies van der Rohe Foundation' across from the Barcelona Pavilion, a famous and instrumental work of the early 20th century. Hard project. A little america bashing is in order here - we are very very far behind socially. A professor told us an interesting statistic the other day: 98% of America's wealth is held by 2% of its population. Of course, I think he is a communist (not sure). That just blew my mind.

Made two books over the christmas holidays - still a goal of 500 books before death. School and work are getting in my way though.

Bush wants another 70 billion for Iraq. I thought his initial estimate was 80 billion total. Aren't we at 300 billion now - and counting? I would like a list of the people who voted for him - they should be paying for this war. So much for the liberals being the spenders. Republican Americans are a strange lot - they seem to care more about eliminating adulterous sex then about mass murder and violence. and they thought there were 'rape rooms' in Iraq before we invaded........


Dr. Lecho Guave said...

rape rooms? do tell more!

Farce Withers said...

You know - like in the United States capitol building.