Thursday, February 16, 2006

The Trials of Teaching

As many of you know I am TAing for a class called Architecture and Society. My duties include teaching a seminar to two different classes each week. It is interesting how different one class can be from another. I have the same amount of students (27) in each class but it seems to be a lot harder to run a good section on thursday night. I have three students in the class that are 'bad apples' and they seem to be tarnishing the bunch. One of them came to me at the end of today's session and asked if we could get an evening study group together to prepare for the quiz (it's no coincidence that he was late for class and had not read the material). I told him that we had just finished with our study session - it in fact is the whole point of the seminar. I am having fun however and the majority of the students are interested and are there to learn.

In other news:
It has been four days since the vice-president shot anyone in the face. Yeah!!
Benny got his hair buzzed! Cutie.
Christopher is a creative genius I think - scary.
Emilie is wonderful at just about everything - and even loves me a little still.
Saw Brokeback Mountain - was good but I sensed some homosexual overtones (hehehe - jk) - no really, it was very good. Now I know why cowboys wear tight pants.

1 comment:

Francie said...

There's always a Bad Apple in any group. I would relate them to my Sales team. Also known as the 'Queen B*s'