Thursday, March 24, 2005

Guave's Wisdom

What wonderful words that bring new meaning to my life or life to my meaning, whichever the case may be. You are so right, Lecho, that life through a child's eye is so much purer, less tainted by man's need to conquer. Is this why our memories are always so much fonder than the reality? Because we know there is no chance of conquest in looking back and therefore can be free like children while we're remembering? I should know, and by 'know' i mean it should be always alive within my spirit, that my eagerness and desire to achieve these material ends is a slap in life's face. When I work on my children's books I think of the wonderfully imaginative newness of childhood. Not necessarily 'innocence' which everyone attributes to it, but the ironic beauty that is born out of a lack of knowledge. I hope that part of this quest for a graduate level education stems from a need to rediscover my ideas about architecture/life. I know inevitably I will have to sift through the garbage of pompous intellect to get closer to the truths so easily found in childhood. But your council has brought me closer to the truth and made the reason for the journey clear - I have always counted on you for such advice - and always will.

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