Thursday, March 31, 2005

Helping the Riddle off its Roost

I can't stand it any longer, I have to tell everyone the answer. Mary Bess Dalton, wife of 'the pickler' Brian Dalton, daughter of 'Shorty' and 'Thomas Aquinas Corbin', owner of a beautiful new home next to a kennel, driver of the 'silver bullet' SUV, sister to 'woof', 'ro', and 'myemili.e.', sister-in-law to the greatest riddler and purveyor of philosophical fancy in the southwest, has correctly answered the puzzle placed before you all.

And the answer to "Why does youth run?" is: "Because age is after it!"


Me said...


Me said...

It appears to me after much study that Lecho Guave is the appropriate winner of the riddle contest based on the time of his post!

Lecho Guave said...

to catch up with old age?

10:03 AM, March 31, 2005

Yet..strangely you award the award to my companion in your post the next day. What's going on at work PAL? I can warn you only once: STAY WAY FROM HER. And give Lecho credit for once in your mutt-filled life?!