Thursday, March 31, 2005

I Have Been Blessed with a Large Blog

Over time my blog has grown and become very large. You have to scroll a long way to see the entire blog. My blog has had many visitors, but typically I have several standard visitors. I keep careful track of the goings on of my blog. I have had a person from Utah visit my blog which gives you an idea of my blog's extent. I will continue to care for my blog and treat it with respect and I hope you will do the same. Here's to all the other people with large blogs out there, cheers!


Me said...

I had visitors from C&H, China, and the Phillipines all in the same day. What a bizarre potpourri!

Dr. Lecho Guave said...

Yet Alex has not visited our blogs. Do you think Charleston will someday have internet access, and also catch up with the social advances made in the past 400 years?

Farce Withers said...

There is indeed a hidden meaning Honey. The number 8, Joyce would tell you, is a sign of infinity, were you merely to let your mind turn the eight sideways 90 degrees. But he would have also taken great pleasure in the fact that 'God' is 'Dog' spelled backwards. You and Mr. Finnegan would have gotten along quite smartly I imagine, you being his Penelope.
And Lecho, I do not pretend to know the level of the Charleston technology....but they do get a lot of hurricanes, typhoons, etc. and so it is hard to keep whatever technological advances they have in place for very long. I suspect Alex will soon join us on our blog journey, once he sees how the device can be used to catch women.
And Pal, I understand bizzare potpouris very well, I am a concoction of French, Scottish, English, and Dutch blood. A mut as it were, a western european cornucopia.

Me said...


A "mutt" is an inferior breed. Is that what you are saying? ;-!

Farce Withers said...

Yes Pal, I admit my inferiority. But muts tend to live longer, and full breeds usually have weird mental gliches. I have accepted my 'mutiness' and am trying to make the most of it.

Dr. Lecho Guave said...

You have still not answered the allegations about Riddle Fraud. Do I need to get my attorney involved in this?

Me said...

Riddle Fraud Indeed! Answer the question Farce, before PAL decides to take matter into his own hands. You wanna mess wit me?

LG should be the certified winner, yet you have a fondness for my girl friday. Sup wit dat?

Farce Withers said...

To whom it may concern:
Though Lecho Guave's answer was on the right track, the wording was not sufficient to award him the grand prize of a free lunch. However, due to the mix up, and the lack of clarity in the games guidelines, Farce will provide lunch to Lecho at their next meeting.
And yes, I admit, I am fond of the pickler's girl and so gave her some help in taking the riddle off its roost.
Thanks to all, no litigation necessary.

Dr. Lecho Guave said...

Farce, I hate to persist, but when I look at the riddle again:

And the answer to "Why does youth run?" is: "Because age is after it!"

Age is not, in and of itself, something that necessarily precedes or post-cedes youth. It is a characteristic of youth, and it is a state both prior, during and after youth. If her answer was OLD age, then she should be the rightful winner. If it was merely AGE, then the Riddle must be voided and a new Riddle initiated. I hope and trust that she did in fact say OLD AGE, as I do not wish to rob an innocent of their meal...

Farce Withers said...

There has been some controversy over the riddle "why does youth run?". I would like to add clarity to this complicated matter. First let me say, however, that every person who provided an answer deserves a reward. Though I hope that the participants felt some minute intellectual reward just by playing. Anyway, it is my belief that youth and age are opposites. Young and old are more exact opposites but the riddle didnt ask 'why does young run' and in fact has little to do with being 'old' at all. So, 'youth' in the riddle as it were seeks out its closest and most equivalent opposite, 'age'. But Lecho brings up an interesting point, 'age' does not exist as a singularity. 'Age' is an evolutionary process, 'age' exists also within youth, so how could something pursue another thing when that thing exists within it? This is a quandary only solved within the realms of poetry. The very act of creation is a chasing out of internal reality and involves the evolution of the creator through the life of the thing created. I admit, these are complex questions and deserve further evaluation.

Dr. Lecho Guave said...

What a beautiful explanation, I bow and weep before you in shame for doubting that this riddle had such a profound meaning.

Hit us with another riddle!

Farce Withers said...

I will comply with your request but I warn you....I have already used up my best riddle.

Me said...

What kind of help? What type of roost? You have me worried...I know where you work you cad you.