Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Graduate School / Heart Murmer

I have developed a heart murmer because of the anticipation of hearing from the 5 graduate schools that I applied to. Life has all but stopped until I find out what's in store for me. There is a good chance that I won't get into any of the schools I applied to - this is killing me. I need council, does Lecho have any words of wisdom? The other day I got my first rejection letter from one of my top three choices of schools. No matter what happens, if my heart murmer turns into something greater and I leave this planet, just know that I feel blessed that I have a wonderful wife and two fabulous children. BTW - topher has his first soccer game this weekend!


Dr. Lecho Guave said...

Man often worries more about situations in which he has no control than the situations he has direct effect. This is due to the helplessness that is felt when experiencing such a situation. Man is inherently a creature in need of control, of dominating his landscape and manipulating his environment to suit him. He has created cities, bridges, weapons and aeroplanes that can soar into the blackness of space, but it is the simple rains that hinder the flight of such space machines, the subtle vibrations of the earth that send those bridges and cities crumbling to the ground. Without adequate methods to correct or even predict these natural situations, Man becomes concerned.
Perhaps it is the child that understands life best, discovering the hidden meaning of clouds on a warm June day. Absent is the anticipation of these clouds, for if they do not appear at all, then he has a day of perfect blue skies above him. If clouds blanket the sky and send hours of rain upon him, then he finds new puddles to play in that were not there before. Without a method to predict or create such a situation, it is this child that has truly understood what it means to be alive.

Me said...

If all of your applications are rejected then look on the bright side. You can find a quack doc, get on disability insurance for the heart problem, and sit at home in a tree on sunny warm days.

Uncertainty keeps you on the edge. Live on the edge -in some fashion- it's lots more fun.

Francie said...

If you were to ask me right now, Graduate School is for the birds. But ask me again tomorrow. I can't quite figure out how you work into your schedule the large number of projects that you do. You must get less sleep than I do.